Language of a nation might be spread beyond the boundaries of that nation for different supporting factors such as military power, long-term political dominance, and cultural influence. Over many centuries, Persian language which is very strong as a bearer of human values of a culture, was the language of science, literature and empathy of different races in the wide expanse from China to the Balkans, and was also widely prevalent in India and Asia Minor. Through a descriptive-analytical method, this study tries to explain the factors that were effective in the expansion and the influence of Persian language and its decline in the mentioned geographical area. Ottoman Sultans’ regard for Persian language and Persian-speaking poets, the influence of Sufi sects, especially Mevlevis, and the migration of artisans and merchants had been among the factors for the expansion of Persian literature, and on the contrary, the era of Tanzimat (adaptations), Turkish nationalism or “pan-Turkism" and the Young Turks movement led by well-known figures like Zia Pasha and Namegh Kamal, had been the factors for the decline of Persian language in Ottoman territory.
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Lal Shateri, M. . "Reasons for the Development and Decline of Persian Language in the Ottoman Empire)", Journal of Iranian Studies, 15, 30, 2017, 155-168. doi: 10.22103/jis.2017.1626
Lal Shateri, M. (2017). 'Reasons for the Development and Decline of Persian Language in the Ottoman Empire)', Journal of Iranian Studies, 15(30), pp. 155-168. doi: 10.22103/jis.2017.1626
M. Lal Shateri, "Reasons for the Development and Decline of Persian Language in the Ottoman Empire)," Journal of Iranian Studies, 15 30 (2017): 155-168, doi: 10.22103/jis.2017.1626
Lal Shateri, M. Reasons for the Development and Decline of Persian Language in the Ottoman Empire). Journal of Iranian Studies, 2017; 15(30): 155-168. doi: 10.22103/jis.2017.1626