Critical Analysis of Some Narratives regarding Mordad 28 1332; (Case Study: Narratives of the Followers of Dr. Mossadegh, and the Royalists)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of History of Islamic Revolution

2 Assistant Professor, Al-Zahra University


Regarding the formation and nature of the incident of Mordad 28 1332, various narratives, at times contradictory and contrariwise, have been presented. Through a critical analysis of selected narratives of the supporters of Pahlavi regime, and those of Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh, the present study examines the process of and the reasons for the narrators’ focalization, characterizations and aggrandizement on the events of Mordad 28, 1332. The study found that, based on different opinions originating from certain viewpoints, narrators have presented different semantic and conceptual networks regarding the incidents of Mordad 28, to the extent that some consider it as a "coup d’état" and have condemned it, and others praise it as "a revolution and a National Resurrection." This study claims that interests, origins and familial, ideological, political and social status of the narrators has led to different viewpoints semantic and content networks and subjective renderings in their works.


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