Investigating Aspects of Iranian Organizational Culture in the Levee of Sassanid Court based on Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Lyric Literature, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad

2 Assistant Professor, Payam Nour University


Levee is the permission for entrance to the court of the king and his sitting on the throne and admitting people. It is considered as one of the most important state regulations and one of the most obvious instances of continuity and sustainability of Iranian culture and its influence on other cultures. Formal ceremonies and celebrations, as well as, admitting ambassadors and representatives of other countries are mentioned as the most significant features of organizational culture. Organizational culture includes a set of sustainable beliefs which are exchanged through symbolic mediums and make sense in humans’ working life. Levee has been known as an organizational culture in the Iranian kings’ courts; as a result, learning its principles has been a part of educational program for the princes, all courtiers, and public people – each according to their own state and level. The princes, particularly, had special education to hold these rituals in the best way or to attend them. The present study, through an analytic and descriptive method, investigates the levee ritual in the historical part of Shahnameh, while the manner of permission, its time and location, as well as its requirements are also studies in order to represent a part of Iranian rich and exact organizational culture.


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