An Analysis of Urban Touristic Monuments Using the SWOT Technique; Case study: Kerman City

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 Assistant Professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 MA Student of Geography, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


   Tourism industry, with an annual revenue of 1000 billion, is one of the most important phenomena of the present century. In addition to contributing to the eradication of poverty, and the spread of justice and employment, it has resulted in high income. Due to particular special geographical conditions, the city of Kerman has a great potentiality in the field of tourism including historic, cultural, and natural attractions. The purpose of this study is to identify the attractions of the city of Kerman and their analysis based on the SWAT model. In this regard, this study is based on the hypothesis that term on has the required potentialities to improve its historical tourism. This study is a descriptive analytical research based on library resources. The results showed that, due to its geographical location, Kerman has the capacity to become one of the great historical-touristic poles in the southeast of the country; the main barrier to reach this goal is the plurality of decision-makers, executive issues, and weaknesses in the infrastructures. The results also showed that there is a meaningful relation between tourist attraction factors, strategic factors, and the areas of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in Kerman.



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