Analysis of astronomers position in society and the rule of the Safavid era

Document Type : Research Paper



The formation of the Safavi dynasty in Iran was important in several aspects that the most important was: the restoration of the national unity of Iran and the officialization of the Shiite religion. In fact, the Safavi government may was the first national far-reaching government After-Islam in Iran,that, while established the principles of governmet based on religion, also emphasized on te territorial integrity of the country. Cultural and civilian approaches were manifested in the refuge of the security and comfort that Safavi kings had established in the territory of Iran. During this period, many arts, crafts, and sciences such as painting, poetry, music, jurisprudence, tradition, philosophy, and theology were considered and grown so fast that in each of them, the special style and the school were created to the extent that the Safavi period can be culturally considered one of the most important periods of Islamic history in Iran. Therefore, Safavi government is also important in Iranian history, in addition to being an indicator of developments in various fields, in the cultural and social contexts. The main pillars of Iranian culture and civilization were consolidated with the formation of national identity during this period and over time. Accordingly, study about culture and civilization of the Safavi period is so important because in this case, also, the Safavian were inheritors of a rich heritage that had been formed since the time they came to power and, when the Safavian took the power, this rich heritage became richer and stronger.


This study assesses the tasks and duties of astronomers position in the Safavi period, using descriptive-analytical method and based on number one historical references, especially European travel books and library tools. The main question of the study is: What position did astronomers have and how much influence did they have on Safavi period on related government? The research findings indicate that astronomer was one of the most important positions in the Safavi government, which was always at the side of the king, and the king never managed to do anything without his advice and his permission, and all the astronomers worked under his sight.This illustrates the credibility and importance of astronomers in the Safavi period.


Astronomy and knowledge of astronomy Although in the historical periods before the formation of the Safavi, was well-developed and significant and various innovations were presented by Iranian astronomers and scientists. But during the Safavi period, astronomy entered a new stage. It seems that in this period, the empirical and technical sciences, including the astronomy, lacked this luck and did not achieve a high position. Although astronomy in Iran has had a long history and is one of the most important fields of Iranian scientific activities. Some years it has grown to the high level in Iran, especially in the fourth and fifth centuries. Because of the presence of remarkable scholars and astronomers such as Abu Reyhan Biruni and Ibne Sina astronomy has been grown alot. With the formation of the Safavi government, a new era of attention to astronomy began. Astronomy had a significant growth in this period due to its considerable attention to stars and the fortune. Meanwhile, during this period, the astronomers had important position in the Safavi court,and astronomer was one of the most important positions in Safavi that the king did not do anything without asking his idea and taking his instruction.According to the writings have left from this period,particularly, the reports of foreign travelers, Safavi astronomers owe their position because of the king's ignorance of the reality of this science and its rules. Anyay, in this period we can point out the scientists that, in spite of the lack of resources and facilities, were the author of this science and wrote some great works about this subject. Accordingly, the main question of this study is: What position did astronomers have and how much influence did they have on the Safavi period.
Astronomy and knowledge of astronomy Although in the historical periods before the formation of the Safavi, was well-developed and significant and various innovations were presented by Iranian astronomers and scientists. But during the Safavi period, astronomy entered a new stage. It seems that in this period, the empirical and technical sciences, including the astronomy, lacked this luck and did not achieve a high position. Although astronomy in Iran has had a long history and is one of the most important fields of Iranian scientific activities. Some years it has grown to the high level in Iran, especially in the fourth and fifth centuries. Because of the presence of remarkable scholars and astronomers such as Abu Reyhan Biruni and Ibne Sina astronomy has been grown alot. With the formation of the Safavi government, a new era of attention to astronomy began. Astronomy had a significant growth in this period due to its considerable attention to stars and the fortune. Meanwhile, during this period, the astronomers had important position in the Safavi court,and astronomer was one of the most important positions in Safavi that the king did not do anything without asking his idea and taking his instruction.According to the writings have left from this period,particularly, the reports of foreign travelers, Safavi astronomers owe their position because of the king's ignorance of the reality of this science and its rules. Anyay, in this period we can point out the scientists that, in spite of the lack of resources and facilities, were the author of this science and wrote some great works about this subject. Accordingly, the main question of this study is: What position did astronomers have and how much influence did they have on the Safavi period


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