Rereading of the "Lu" in Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Semnan University, Iran.



1. Introduction
Accuracy in the lexical and grammatical system of neighboring or family dialects and lexical etymology and structural studies in them can lead to the recognition of dialects and their lexical and grammatical systems. Therefore, the original and living dialects of Persian should be considered as the inheritors of the language of ancient Iran, which in a dialogue-oriented or dialectical process helps to preserve and preserve the original Persian language. According to this principle, we believe that paying attention to the phonetic, lexical and grammatical system of the original surviving Persian dialects; Because the Sorkhe dialect and common dialects in the north Like Tabari dialect, it can help to read ancient literary texts such as Shahnameh and sometimes the works of great classical poets. Therefore, this research can be considered as a victory for structural research among Iranian dialects and their role in a more accurate reading of literary texts. 


In this essay, the author tries to induce, on the one hand, the importance of dialectological knowledge in the accurate understanding of classical texts; On the other hand, this research can show the exact meaning of the word "Lu" in Shahnameh and its correct meaning, show the exact form of recording a verse in the story of Bahram Gour Shahnameh and correct the mistakes of correctors and commentators in recording Help it; A point that has been neglected so far from the perspective of Shahnameh scholars, lexicographers and commentators of Shahnameh.


Analysis of their lexical system and comparative semantics with ancient Persian words can solve many different phonetic and semantic problems of classical Persian texts and even some mistakes of correctors and commentators in that field. Unlike today's standard language, in which a large part of its lexical range, both phonetically and in writing, has distanced itself from the ancient forms of ancient languages, and Persian speakers are fragmented in the original pronunciation of those words, Sometimes common words in living Persian dialects such as Sorkhei, Khorasani, Kurdish, Lori, Tabari, etc. have not yet lost their original and close nature in the ancient Persian languages. Meanwhile, the story of the word "Lu" in Shahnameh can be a good example to prove this claim. Undoubtedly, re-reading this word in the process of the chain of Ferdowsi's theology and its adaptation to the quality of its insertion and registration in the Shahnameh version and descriptions and sometimes Persian cultures is important and special:
lu: Among today's living dialects, this word is widely used in at least two dialects, Sorkheh and Tabari. In the Tabari dialect, it is pronounced with the pronunciation of "Li" (Li) meaning the nest or nest of poultry and livestock, and in the Sorkhe dialect it is used in two pronunciations and in two meanings that Of course, in none of the existing Persian cultures have these meanings been mentioned from the oldest to the newest: one with the first pronoun with the pronunciation of "Lu" meaning "sheep pen" and the other, "low" to the first conquest. The importance of this word in showing the correct form of the verse "بدو سرشبان گفت از ایدر برو" in Shahnameh, which is recorded in almost all existing versions of Shahnameh with suspicion and intrusion. It seems that the unfamiliarity of the copyists and proofreaders with the exact meaning of "Lu" has caused this difference between the manuscripts and the inclusion of various forms of it in the Shahnameh editions. The verse in the story of " بهرام گور با ماهیار گوهرفروش " was used when Bahram Goor entered the meadow and confronted the chief shepherd of the area:
بدو سرشــبان گفت ز ایدر برو                   دهـی تازه پیش انــدر آیدت نـو
Carefully in other versions of Shahnameh, it is found that due to unfamiliarity, this word has been changed to "now". Other ancient editions, such as the Shahnameh of Calcutta, by Turner Makan, vol. 3, p. 1522, have almost recorded the verse as above. But later correctors, including the Absolute Creator, with a slight change, preferred "رهی" to "دهی":
بدو سرشبان گفت از ایدر برو         رهی تازه پیش اندر آیدت نو
(Ferdowsi, Shahnameh Correction of the Khaleghi Motlagh, 2009: Vol. 6, 926)
Although all later editors of the Shahnameh have used the word "now" instead of "lu", In his dictionary, Ali Akbar Dehkhoda has included the desired verse in another way as evidence for the word "Lu":
بدو بر شبان گفت از ایدر بدو             ره تازه پیش آیدت پر ز لو
On the other hand, by referring to the ancient dictionary under the word "lu", one can clearly see The basis of Dehkhoda in recording this verse is an adaptation of Jahangiri Dictionary (written in 1017 AH) which has given the following verse as evidence. Apart from what special version of the Shahnameh was available to lexicographers such as the owner of Jahangiri culture, which led to the registration of the above form A version that may not have survived the bite of time and has not reached our time; If we pay attention to the forms in the mentioned cultures, the fundamental differences of the correctors and lexicographers in recording the correct form of this verse will be revealed. It is interesting that in cultures, "Lu" in this verse is brought as a proof to prove the meaning of "ridge and height". This is while due to the accompaniment of words such as the chief shepherd who mostly deals with other shepherds, sheep, cages and meadows due to his job And the relevance of the subject that arises from the general content of the word in the previous verses; It means talking about a lot of sheep and looking for the house of their rich owner in the village"چنین گفت با موبدان روزبه/ که اکنون شود شاه ایران به ده" Not only the word "Lu" should have the same pronunciation (Lu) and common meaning in the Tabari and Sorkha dialects; but also The registration of the word "now" instead of "Lu" is also strange and does not have a clear and precise form and meaning. According to the evidence before and after Ferdowsi's statement to "دهی", it is quite clear that the form "رهی" is preferable to "Rahi", although in most versions, including the Moscow edition, "Dehi" has been recorded.


In this article, due to the necessity of re-reading the words of classical texts and comparing and matching them with living and common Persian words in Iranian dialects, the word "Lu" in the chain of bit accompaniment in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has been studied And while preferring the form "Lu" in Shahnameh over other selected words and A preferred recording of this verse has been obtained as "بدو سرشبان گفت از ایدر برو/ دهی تازه پیش آیدت پر ز لُو " in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh.


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