Analysis of the spacial sanctity of Dokkan-Davood in Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah in the religion of the Ahl-e Hagh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Archaeology،Art University of Isfahan

2 Archaeology،Faculty of Literature and Humanities،University of Tehran


The research data is collected through visiting and observing monument and ceremonies, as well as interviewing and studying documents belonging to a group known in Kermanshah province as Yaresan or Ahl-e Hagh. In this study, it was assumed that if a place is a place of religious activity or its purpose, then that place is sacred. The defects, filth, and uncleanness of daily life are eliminated in this place. The sanctity of this place is local and Dokkan-e Davood rock-cut is considered sacred for the followers and believers of the religion of Ahl-e Hagh. The holy thing and its manifestation in everything has a deep and complex connection with the issue of "Dun be Dun" in the religion of Ahl-e Hagh. Holy as an abstract matter and its relationship with the real world is the most central discussion of this research which try to express the concept of the holy thing and its manifestation in the Dokkan-e Davood rock-cut as a sacred architecture with an overview of the nature of Ahl-e Hagh religion on which is a visible metaphor for the religious world, and what explains the sanctity of this place, regardless of its architectural appearance, refers to the holy thing. Therefore, we seek to answer this question by presenting historical reports: What is the relationship between the Dokkan-e Davood rock-cut as a work of historical architecture and its sanctity? The data of this research is library-field studies and research method and methodology of text are descriptive-analytical, and narrative respectively.


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