Types of Influence of Adib Peshawari from Khaghani in the Ode of Ivan Madain

Document Type : Research Paper


1 teacher in Kemanshah

2 Faculty member


ntertextuality is one of the new theories of literary criticism that examines the relationship between texts and the way in which literary works are influenced. Seyyed Ahmad Razi Adib Peshawari is one of the prominent poets of the constitutional era who successfully followed the style of famous old masters, especially in the fifth and sixth centuries, and in the field of poems, admired Khaghani Shervani (595-520 AH), the author. Has lightened. One of the most important examples is the famous ode and verse of Ivan Madain, which has a comprehensive effect on the mind and language of the Peshawar writer and provides a suitable context for the poet to express his legal and political thought in one ode. However, due to the verbal and spiritual difficulties of the poetry of Khaghani Shervani and Adib Peshawari, the opinion of many scholars and writers has been far from the study of intertextual reading in two historical positions and two different cultures. Therefore, in this article, with the analytical-comparative method, the famous ode of Ivan Madain with the influenced ode of Adib Peshawari, based on intertextual theory with emphasis on its poetic style has been studied. First, the element of music, language and content, and at the end of each topic, how the late poet was influenced and innovated. The result of the research shows that Adib Peshawari has similar to Khaghani in the structure of style and content, however, the level of imagination of literary elements and the main concept of poetry,


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