Types and Contexts of Underground in Iranian Architecture and urbanism

Document Type : Research Paper



The basement is one of the most common spaces in most buildings that has been used since ancient times. Underground spaces have been used in past periods and traditional architecture and urban planning in various shapes, scales and contexts. Many of these spaces and their construction experiences are still in use. The purpose of this article is to study the contexts, types and applications of underground spaces in the past and traditional Iranian architecture. In this regard, the most important question of this article is that "the necessities and types of underground spaces in architecture and what are the traditional urban planning of Iran? The research method used in this research is a historical-analytical research method with a qualitative and quantitative approach that is based on documentary study methods, library and case study. Excavation of land, hills and mountains and sheltering in the basement, in addition to protecting users and their property, has created lasting spaces throughout history. These spaces are very attractive and memorable, especially for tourists and non-residents, due to their uniqueness in terms of external and internal form and landscape. Paying attention to the positive features of these spaces, especially in rural areas, can play an effective role in preserving their native identity.




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