Socio-cultural geography of Daylaman and its influence on the continuity of Iranshahri thought in the Islamic period(From the arrival of Islam to Iran until the end of Al-Boyeh)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Payam-e Noor University, Faculty of Social Science, Tehran, Iran


With the collapse of the Sassanid Empire, many elements and fundamentals of Iranian thought were at risk of destruction in opposition to the intellectual system of Muslim Arabs. It only in several regions supported by geographical and human features found possibility to continue. The southern coasts of the Caspian Sea including Daylam with the help of their special geography was able to resist against the Arabs for a long time, provided background to keep its cultural bounds with its ancient past. The paper is going to use the descriptive – analytical method and to question the exciting information in order to analyze the circumstances of continuity and evolution of Iranshahri idea in Daylam and to explain the attempts of the ruling Daylamis for recovering the Iranian intellectual basics The continuation of the discourse based on Iranian and non-Arab identity in the mentioned land gave the possibility to the local rulers to confront the Abbasid caliphate system and dominate it, and ultimately succeeded in establishing the "shahi" institution with all its requirements in the era of Al-Boyeh.


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