Romantic metaphors of native and domestic animals in Iranian folk songs; Case example of Kerman

Document Type : Scientific


1 Ph. D. student of Art Research Faculty of Advanced Studies in Arts and Entrepreneurship, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Ph.D in Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, Shahrekord Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran

3 Department of Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Faculty, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran



Apart from negative environmental consequences, modern animal husbandry has also created unfortunate moral consequences. Studies show that the relationship between humans and domestic animals in the past was based on a moralistic spiritual background, and although humans kept domestic animals for their edible and non-edible consumption, the relationship between them has never been degraded to the existing level. In folk literature, there has been a very sentimental view of livestock. Although some cases suggest that they are derived from the official literature, there are many cases that show a very clear difference between the two. Metaphors in which friends are likened to deer and gazelles are familiar in Persian literature; But in folk literature, this case is rare, and the metaphor of romantic beauty is used from domestic animals. In their descriptive and analytical study, using documentary sources, the authors have addressed the issue of romantic metaphors in the oral literature of the native regions of Iran with the aim of understanding the place of animals in the native culture of Iran, and have focused their attention on the case example of Kerman district in the early 13th century. In a qualitative study, 383 local songs from the mentioned region were selected and analyzed from a specific source. The result of this point is that in Iranian culture, despite all the problems that nature has raised in front of man, animals, especially animals that live with him, have had a spiritual and spiritual place.


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