Analyzing the ritual of sun seeking "Chel Kachalak" in Iran

Document Type : Scientific


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Iran



In the days when it rained for several days, they considered the rain to be an obstacle to work, and they started performing rituals until the rain stopped and the sun appeared. These methods are called "Sunshine" ritual. One of these sun-seeking rituals is "Chel-Kachlak" or "chehel-Kachal", which exists in the belief of some Iranian worshipers and used it in the past. Once upon a time, when the rain did not stop, a rope was prepared and the names of forty hairless people were called, and according to the name of each bald person, they tied a knot on the rope and placed it under the gutter or buried it under the ground, and the belief They believed that after this operation, the rain will stop and the sun will appear. This researcher in this article, which is done with a descriptive and analytical method, after the description and description of Chel-Kachalk in different regions of Iran, analyzed the elements in this ritual such as the number "forty in popular culture", "Kachl or hairless character". "rope" and "knot" and searched for its mythological roots and extracted its connection with folk culture and reached the results that this ritual is among the Iranian prayer rituals that By using magical elements such as tying a rope, sacred numbers and hairlessness (anti-fertility), they sought to spell the rain and make the sun appear and with this superstition "fate in their favor".


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