Investigating the activities of the American mission in Hamadan during the Qajar period; Emphasizing the construction of the evangelical church

Document Type : Scientific


1 PhD student of Iranian Islamic history, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduated with a master's degree in archaeology, head of the Endowments Museum, General Department of Endowments and Charitable Affairs, Hamadan Province, Iran



Hamedan has been one of the centers of Christians since the first century AD.The presence of Christ's followers in this city continued in the19th century, and Hamedan received the attention of the American Presbyterian Mission,which is a branch of Christian Protestantism, and its difference from other Christian denominations is its global scope.One of the concrete actions of the missions in the world was to build churches in the areas under their influence.In Hamedan,the Evangelical Church called Memorial Chapel located in the courtyard of the American Hospital is one of these structures that has not been researched in a specialized way.The present article is the first specialized research in this regard,which is applied and its method is historical with a descriptive-analytical approach.With the help of library sources, archival documents and field research, this research seeks to answer the question,in what period was the evangelical church built? Who is its creator? And what method and style was used in its construction? According to the investigations,it seems that this church was built in the late Qajar period by a person named James Hawkes, a famous priest-missionary,based on the common styles of church building and house building in the 19th and 20th centuries in America.The findings show that this church is actually a monument and the plan of the structure corresponds to the type of long churches with a cruciform plan that were created in Europe and then in America and gradually in some parts of the world including Hamedan around1919.It was extended until1927
