توالی مفعول و فعل در متن فارسی‌میانۀ اردشیر بابکان و مقایسۀ آن با متنی از فارسی‌نو

Document Type : Scientific


1 Assistant professor in Linguistics, Linguistics Department , Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

2 Assistant Professor at Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, College Iranian Studies,

3 Linguistics Department , Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan



Language typology is concerned with the similarities among the languages to seek language types. Constituent order is one of the main addressed subjects in the research of typologists. Diachronic typology investigates language types in different historical periods referring to typological theories and universals. This research tries to compare the verb-object order of a Middle Persian text and a Modern Persian text based on Dryer’s Branching Direction Theory (1992). Dryer’s theory is based on correlation of 23 pairs of parameters and the order of verb and object for a sample of 625 languages. All the parameters of this theory consist two orders that based on dominant tendency to OV or VO type, the languages of the world use one of these orders. The current research attempts to conduct a statistical analysis on the frequency of verb-object order in two texts from Middle Persian (Kārnāmag ī Ardaxšīr ī Pābagān) and Modern Persian (The last journey of Zarathustra (. Also, it presents evidence for Dabirmoghaddam (1392) and other works who have claimed that Persian type is changing. The results of this research indicate that regardless of both orders in these two texts, both texts tend to use OV more than VO. Therefore, it’s clear that Persian language is not a head-initial or head-final language consistently in each period; however it’s a language with intermediate linguistic properties. The results of this research confirm the result of Dabirmoghaddam 34 theory (1392) that claims Modern Persian and Middle Persian have an intermediate status of verb-medial and


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