Comparing the Concept of Contentment in Masnavi with Conventional Economic Theories

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Literature/Faculty of Literature/Kashan Azad University/Iran

2 IAU Kashan

3 Associate professor (Department of Energy Economics and Management)/Petroleum University of Technology: Tehran, Tehran, IR



Purpose: One of the subjects of economics is the theory of the fatigue puzzle or the thrift puzzle. What is raised in conventional economics regarding this theory challenges the economic doctrines of contentment in the spiritual Masnawi; Based on these theories, Rumi's advice to contentment actually prevents the society from economic growth.
Method and Research: This article aims to answer the question, "What is the difference between conventional economic theory and contention in the Masnavi?"
Findings and Conclusions: With a descriptive and library method. to answer The findings of this research show that contrary to what has been suggested about the Masnavi by the mentioned theories, Rumi's call to contentment at the individual level does not reduce consumption at the macro level. The concept of contentment in the Masnavi, in addition to implying comfort and well-being in worldly life and peace, in some cases encourages the increase of the final desire to consume; For example, in Masnavi, Rumi has mentioned charity, charity, zakat, etc., which increase the consumption of others and financial circulation


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