An Investigation and Analysis of Texts Attributed to Jāmāsp

Document Type : Research Paper


Research Assistant Professor, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany


Jāmāsp Nāmag (Story of Jāmāsp ) and Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg (Memorial of Jāmāsp) are two works which include prophecies attributed to Jāmāsp. These two texts alongside The Zand ī Wahman Yasn (Commentary on the Vohuman Yasn), are the main available sources on the Zoroastrian apocalypse. Jāmāsp Nāmag and Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg are composed of different parts in Middle Persian, Pazand, and Persian, and they have undergone several changes throughout history. In this paper, after studying the general structure and the content of different parts of these two texts, analyses will be offered which will contribute to a more accurate understanding and clarify the process of historical changes and the distribution of these texts. The influence of the Arab conquest on the emergence and formation of some topics in Jāmāsp Nāmag and Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg, the comparison of these texts with the other apocalyptic text in Middle Persian, i.e., Zand ī Wahman Yasn, the investigation of some mythological topics and historical events in these texts, as well as the presence of a kind of rhythmical structure in Jāmāsp Nāmag are other issues which will be addressed in this paper.
Keywords: Zoroastrian apocalypse, Pahlavi Texts, Eschatological Texts, Jāmāsp Nāmag, Ayādgār ī Jāmāspīg


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