کارکرد سیاسی داستان سیاوش وروابط بین ایرانیان وتورانیان در شاهنامه

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تهران مرکزی



شاهنامه از برجسـته‌ترین آثار زبـان فـارسـی اسـت که با بیانی حماسی و تاثیرگذار بسیاری از روابط سیاسی حکومت‌های ایرانی را با دیگر کشورها و ملت‌ها به ویژه در دوران ساسانی برای ما آشکار می‌سازد. در شاهنامه پایه‌های بینش سیاسی ایرانیان و چگونگی شکل‌گیری حکومت از منظر سنتی بیان شده است. فردوسی به ساختارهای سیاسی و اجتماعی جامعه توجه داشته و نقش محوری پادشاهان را در اندیشه‌های سیاسی ایرانیان باستان عرضه کرده است. بازخوانی این حماسـه مـلی با به‌کار بـستن دیـدگاه‌های نوین علوم سیاسی نشان می‌دهد که فردوسی مسائل سیاسی حاکــم بردوران خود را تبییــن و تحلیل نموده است. دراین نوشــتار به روش توصیفی- تحلیلی، روابط ایرانیان و تورانیان در شاهنامه با تکیه بر داستان سیاوش و پناه بردن او به توران مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و دیدگاه فردوسی درخصوص روابط خارجی تحـلیل شده است. با نگاهی به داستان سیاوش که نمونه بارز زنـدگی در خـاک بیگانه است، بخشی از فرهنگ عمومی و فرهنگ سیاسی ایرانیان مشخص می‌شود. معنای سیاست را در داستان سیاوش می‌توان مطابق نظر یکی از فیلسوفان معاصر دانست که « هر امری که دخــلی به اوضاع داشتــه باشد سیاسی است». بی تردید نظرفردوسی نیز درباره سیاست و روابط و مناسبات سیاسی برخاسته از شرایط محیط اجتماعی زمانه اش و اوضاع حاکم بر ایران بوده است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Political function in the story of Siavash and Relations between Iranian and Turan In Shahnameh

چکیده [English]



Shahnameh as a rich source of Iranian common heritage is considered as the most political epic In Iran which depicts the continuity of Iranian identity from myths and epics to the last Sassanid rulers. In this work and many ancient historical and literary texts, Turanians and the Turks are mistakenly considered the same. This was arising from the mistake of ancestors. Ferdowsi didn't want to condemn a particular race when he expressed the war and hostility of Iranians and Turanians in Shahnameh, but, even, the courage  and other good attributes of Turan elders have been praised. This work contains human values and virtues, conveying many different messages for policy, history, humanities and social science researchers. In this research, at first, ferdowsi`s political thoughts and the borders between Iran and Turan have been introduced, and then, the political function of Siavash story has been briefly analyzed.
2. Methodology
This study is based on the descriptive – analytical method by using library research. It takes a look at the life of Siavash as a refugee in foreign country and specifies the Iranian public and political culture. This research attempts to answer this question: Is it possible to understand the political culture of each nation through the study of Myths and epics? Ferdowsi has noticed the social and political structures of society and the central role of kings in the political thoughts of ancient Iranians. A review of Shahnameh with new comments of political science illustrates Ferdowsi`s analysis of the political issues of his time.
3. Discussion
Among the ancient literary texts, Shahnameh is Iranian peoples certificate, and as a document, that is basic axis of the current Iranian identity and has provided a coherent picture of politics. It shows the long-standing Iranian culture and the brilliant civilization of this land and states history of ancient Iran from the beginning of Iranian civilization until the overthrow of Sassanid rule by Arabs. Iranian myths are the elements that related to Iranian history, an element that has been underestimated, while it is one of the important elements of Iranian identity. Shahnameh is the book of myths. Myths are known as a kind of philosophical interpretation of the world or explanation of the past by virtual and legendary hypotheses that succeeded scientific analysis and the unconscious connects the group to their conscious. "Important functions of myths are their nature such a way that many newly established governments benefit from it to give their nation identity and dignity. Thus the most non-political   things like   myths, are the most political phenomena" ( naghibzadeh,2002, p.83).
With this explanation, understanding the political culture is possible only through the identification of components like any other phenomenon, and myth is the most important components of any culture. Shahnameh as a myth has a political role and function. This article is a search in the world of myth and epic and an attempt to understand politics in ancient Iran. Politics in its board sense in Shahnameh, finds its most comprehensive concept in expression of contemporary philosopher – Isaiah Berlin-  that:" Everything that is involved in the situation is political and this thought that politics is power it is a false idea" (Berlin,1992, p.67). In the present study tries to understand the political environment   of   Ferdowsi`s era. His viewpoint will be reviewed as a spokesman for Iranian culture towards non-Iranians. Although moving from literary text to foreign policy is difficult, but understanding the Iranian perspective from themselves and alien will help recognize Iran`s foreign policy.
4. Conclusion 
Clearly, culture has always had a positive role in international relations. Shahnameh as an ancient and enduring work, has a unique position in Iranian culture. In this work, the Iranian insights and beliefs about politics and political thoughts in a definite time have been  represented. One of the most important reasons for the importance of the political dimension of Shahnameh is its addressing of foreign relations. Shahnameh is full of political orientations and  approaches  and political and social strategies, which have been investigated as one of the old texts from different points of view, like anthropological, sociological, historical, geographical, artistic, political, etc. It can be accepted that it is composed to preserve the Iranian identity and to establish social security, political stability, and a just government. The study of Shahnameh, as one of the main sources, is essential for understanding the state of political thought in ancient Iran. Ferdowsi has explained the principles and rules of politics and government in the form of a story. Ferdowsi's political thought in the story of Siavash as a political myth is not confined to power and has a broader concept. Siavash's role and function is in politics and international relation. He is not thinking about power and is the first person to take refuge in the enemy and Turan welcomes him for political exploitation and tries to eliminate him by using political tricks. But, if his story as a political myth has found logical continuity throughout human history, that's why it is linked to the anthropological view points. by viewing the thoughts in Shahname and high lighting its details and elegance in the light of modern and contemporary ideas we can understand the foundations of the  Iranain political insights.
Keywords: Shahnameh, Iran, Turan, Siavash, Political relations.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Shahnameh
  • Turan
  • Iran
  • People of Turan
  • Political relations
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